Taiwan Heart Rhythm Society

THRS Young Investigator Award

The Young Investigator Award (YIA) aims to encourage young scholars to engage in clinical and basic research in the field of arrhythmias, enhancing academic standards.

Application requirements

  • Applicants who are under the age of forty at the time of the application deadline for this award are eligible to apply.
  • The research for application conditions included:
    1. Original research article on cardiac arrhythmia-related topics that has been accepted or published within the two years preceding the application deadline and has not previously received an award.
    2. Each applicant is limited to applying with one research article, and individuals are eligible to receive the award only once.
  • The application for the YIA is done through THRS’s official website and includes:
    1. Application form as attached (including a declaration of not receiving other awards).
    2. Applicant's curriculum vitae.
    3. PDF file of the published article. If a journal has accepted it but not yet published, an acceptance letter must be provided at the time of application.
    4. Introduction of the significance of the research (in English), limited to one A4 page.

Selection Process

  • This award is judged by a committee of three to five experts, both domestic and international, appointed by the research committee of THRS.
  • Three award recipients will be selected. In the absence of suitable candidates, the award may not be given. In addition to the medal, the first-place recipient will receive a cash prize of USD$1,600, the second-place recipient will receive USD$1,000, and the third-place recipient will receive USD$600.
  • The first-place winner is required to present the award-winning research at the THRS annual meeting when receiving the award.


  1. Please email the required documents to THRS Secretariat at thrs@thrs-scientific.org.
  2. Please fill in the title of the letter according to the format: [2024 THRS YIA Application_name].
  3. The deadline for applications is February 25, 2024. Successful applicants will be notified via email by early March 2024.